Recent Calls
Monday 18, 2016 at 8:43 AM
Name This is what this person said
Name This is what this person said
Custody Agreement - Mick Maslov & Amy Shumen
Jennifer Schwartzman
to Vasily Maslov
Mr. Maslov,

This is a formal request to review and update the current child custody agreement for Mick Shumen-Maslov.

Please get back to me, at your earliest convinience, with a date and time that works best within your work schedule so that we can schedule a meeting.

I appreciate a swift response, as there are urgent and concerning matters at hand that need to be dealt with.

Kind Regards,

Jennifer Schwartzman
Law Offices of Abrams, Schwartzman & Co.

Schwartzman - Amy Lawyer
July 25th, 2016 at 10:47AM
Call Back
"Good afternoon Mr. Maslov, this is Jennifer Schwartzman. Just trying get in contact with you about some urgent matters. Please give me a call back within the next day or two. Again, this is urgent. This is regarding the custody agreement between you and Ms. Shumen; there are a few things that need to be looked over. I appreciate your swift response.
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Hey, Vas. Have you heard anything from Trevor? He missed our date this morning and he's not picking up his phone.
Alright, you both are starting to worry me now. Can you please send me a text or call me? This isn't like you two and I just want to make sure you're okay.
Now I'm really starting to stress here. It's been hours and all I'm getting is white noise. If this is some kind of sick joke, fuck the pair of you.
You're not picking up your phone. You're not returning my messages. And apparently you're not at home either. You realize your dog's in a state of stress too, right? Please just fucking get back to me already.
I swear if I find you dead in a ditch somewhere I will personally find a way to bring you back to life so I can strangle you with my own bare hands!
I miss you. Please come home.
Loki's doing well. He's actually a lot cuter than I ever gave him credit for. I think we're falling in love. But we still want you to come home, please. Or just call me... just fucking call me .
It's Friday night and I'm here surrounded by a bunch of dogs. It's almost sweet. You'd laugh about it if you saw me now. But I'm worried about you, my friend. You and Trevor need to come back to me soon, okay? I love you. .
I cannot handle this shit anymore. You're hearing from my lawyer soon. If you can't handle your own mess how do you expect me to believe you're a responsible father? You go missing for a week and think its fine? Think again.
We need to talk. Don't do anything stupid or drastic. You know I'm not like that... Shit just got weird. No, I don't know Amy just don't pull anything crazy. Let's just talk before anything. I can drop by tomorrow, see Mick for a bit and then we can talk. Yeah?
No. You're not seeing him until we sort this shit out. You want to talk to me now? After you went days DAYYYSSSSS without responding to my texts?! You didn't answer any of my calls, you come up with some half assed crazy ass excuse. Screw you. Talk to Jennifer Schwartzman. You're not going to see my son anytime soon.
OUR SON. OUR SON. Can you please just answer your phone so we can talk, I'm calling and its going straight to voicemail.
I am NOT going to play this stupid game with you Amy. Answer my calls.
Vasya, is everything ok? Everyone is worried sick about you, what is going on?